Figure Drawing

Open Session: …Life

12 x 18 carbon pencil with white highlights on toned paper
12 x 18 carbon pencil with white highlights on toned paper

Hadn’t drawn this model in some time. He was leaning on a chair and presented an interesting upper body and facial pose, so went with it. Decided to use a soft General’s carbon pencil on toned gray paper.

Didn’t intend this drawing as a portrait, but it seems to have turned out that way. The face competes with the torso for the focal point. Stronger lines around his biceps and shoulders and under his chin – bringing them forward – might fix this problem. Then again, maybe not. If given more time, would have worked on the values. More atmosphere around the shoulder would have improved the depth as well.

90 minutes.

Progress not perfection.



Figure Drawing

Open Session: Life …Profiles

One of my favorite models last night. Classic brow, nose, and jaw with strong profile features.

12 x 18 charcoal pencil with white highlights on toned paper
12 x 18 charcoal pencil with white highlights on toned paper

Top pose was 90 minutes. Instead of sketching the envelope, started with the portrait in the first 20 minute sitting and worked my way down in subsequent sittings. Head was turned away from me slightly. When deciding on placement, marks for skull were too far right. You can see the ghost marks at the right of the head when I moved the image to the left.

Articulation of the right wrist is balled up. Need to work on rendering hands and fingers. Left hand behind her back is not much better. Usually not a problem but got distracted by other issues and ran out of time.

Second pose below was one hour. Again started at top with the portrait in the first 20 minute sitting. Fingers on left hand are clunky. Carried the white highlights too far down the figure. Note to self: Keep white highlights around the focal point.

12 x 18 charcoal pencil with white highlights on toned paper
12 x 18 charcoal pencil with white highlights on toned paper

Do like the contrast in the hair with the lower value behind her neck. Keeps attention at the focal point.

Might have fixed problems in both drawings before posting, but committed to not working away from the model and want to document my errors for learning purposes.

Progress not perfection.

Figure Drawing

Open Session: Life …Sometimes

Sometimes it mostly goes right.

12 x 18 Charcoal Pencil with white highlights on grey toned paper

Open session at Yuri’s with one of my favorite models. Took my usual position to the far right of the stage. I find it gives me interesting poses more often than not. Good thing I arrived early. Big crowd last night. 10 artists.

Decided to use toned grey charcoal paper. This Borden & Riley 80 lb paper has a laid surface that accepts graphite, charcoal and pastel nicely.

Pleased with the first drawing. Has some life. Second drawing is okay but is lifeless. I left the initial marks of the head and arm in the second drawing visible. These were landmarks as I started to softly outline the envelope for placement and proportion. You can see the correction as I proceeded from the top down to complete the drawing.

Face is clunky in the second drawing. Flat and has no life force within it. Note to self: The ability to draw a figure and face with a sense of being alive – this is a challenge for me and an important skill to develop.

Both poses were 60 minutes over three 20 minute segments. Managed my time well for a change.

12 x 18 Charcoal Pencil with white highlights on grey toned paper
12 x 18 Charcoal Pencil with white highlights on grey toned paper

Yuri stopped by and nodded his approval of both drawings. He said he liked how I handled the mid-tones, “Just right, soft, not too dark.” Dave Henderson was drawing next to me and told me my drawing has improved dramatically in the past year. High praise from a master artist like Dave. Made my night.

Several new young artists in the group last night. Enjoyed the opportunity to encourage them to keep drawing.

Progress not perfection.

Figure Drawing

Open Session: Life …Chicken

12 x 18 Graphite pencil on grey toned charcoal paper
12 x 18 Graphite pencil on grey toned charcoal paper

My artist friend Yuri returned from a visit back to his homeland, Russia. No figure drawing for the past month while he was away, so it was good to be drawing from life again.

Decided to use graphite, a medium I rarely use with a live model. Went to the studio with the intention of using charcoal but chickened out at the last moment. Thought I needed to use the more forgiving pencil after such a long break. Still building my confidence with charcoal, apparently.

Used a 4B for the drawing on grey paper. Got distracted by the challenge of the right foot and it was fun to draw, but it takes the viewer away from the focal point of the upper torso and head. Still not paying enough attention to composition, although I did manage to add some atmosphere. Folded robe on the seat is poorly done. Could have outlined it without tone or maybe made it darker to contrast with the model. Challenge area for me.

2 hours.

Progress not perfection.