Figure Drawing

Open Session: Life …Before the storm

11 x 14 pastel pencil on Strathmore 400 series toned paper

Big snow storm started after midnight. Luckily our session ended in plenty of time to get home.

New model who did a great job holding her pose. Decided to use graphite pencil. Hadn’t done any drawing in a couple weeks and felt rusty. Usually I draw standing at an easel, but last night I sat.

Captured the gesture, the weight and gravity okay. Still ham-handed with my mark-making and creating the correct depth of field – hair is too dominant and should have been softened; likewise, her heart-shaped tattoo.

Like the tension of the placement on the page. Although the model is anchored with the chair, failed to create any atmosphere around the model so the image seems lost in space.

90 minutes.

Progress not perfection