Figure Drawing

Open Session: …Life


18 x 24 pastel pencil on toned paper
18 x 24 pastel pencil on toned paper

Figure drawing is always a challenge for me, and especially challenging when more than one model is in the pose. Lots of angles and negative spaces – landmarks and riddles to solve.

Need to be more cognizant of my line weight considering depth of field; farther lighter, closer darker. Also, my lines are still stiff and lack an organic look of living flesh beneath the skin.

One of the artists suggested the male head was too large relative to the right arm proportions. Okay, I guess. The aesthetics work for my eye.

My shading technique with the pastel pencil is just plain bad. Need to solve this problem.

Ran out of time to improve the female face and hands.

2 hours.

Progress not perfection.